Comments policy

Redcentaur welcomes comments on its posts from anyone. These general comments guidelines will help you to get your comments published and ensure that the comments and debate generated on this blog are useful and informative for all users. This policy should tell you up-front what is and is not acceptable commenting on this blog. COMMENTS…

Redcentaur welcomes comments on its posts from anyone. These general comments guidelines will help you to get your comments published and ensure that the comments and debate generated on this blog are useful and informative for all users. This policy should tell you up-front what is and is not acceptable commenting on this blog.

  1. COMMENTS ARE WELCOME: We are more than happy for you to comment on any posts on this blog and actively encourage you to do so to inform the debate. Our intention is to encourage discussion around the topics to share knowledge and experience with the wider community. Everyone is encouraged to leave comments, whether a novice or an expert. By participating, we all learn.
  2. RELEVANT LINKS ARE OK: If you leave a comment with links to relevant articles, web sites, pages, etc. this is fine. In this way, we are able to share knowledge and good practice. When leaving a link with your comment, be sure to link directly to the page that is relevant, not to the home page of the site. Be prepared, however, for your comment to be held for moderation to check that the links you leave are relevant; so bear with us while we get to it. Be aware that if your links are not relevant to the post, your comment will be treated as spam and deleted. Your IP may also be blocked from further participation if you continue repeatedly to do this.
  3. SPAM IS NOT TOLERATED: This blog uses sophisticated spam filters which capture and delete any comment post that is identified as spam. This is to protect the security of the site and the visitors who intend to use the site as it is intended. In order to prevent this from happening to one of your innocent posts, avoid inserting irrelevant comments, or comments that do not add anything to the debate (e.g., “Thanks for this post”, “Great site”, “I found this really useful, thanks”…) and make sure that any links are relevant to the subject of the post and your response to the post (I’ll mention it again, because it is really important: any links must point to the relevant page on the site to be relevant). Also, make sure that your comments do not list several links. You should limit the number of links that you put in your comments. If spam is repeatedly inserted in comments, the IP address responsible will be blocked permanently. I do this for the sake of the community who wants to read the blog and to participate in a debate through active comments.
  4. PROFANITY, EQUALITY AND X-RATED LINKS: For obvious reasons, profanity is not acceptable. Neither are links to pornography or adult-themed web sites. Contributions to this site should steer clear of homophobic, racist, sexist and other comments that could be considered to be discriminatory or incitement to violence or hatred. Such contributions will be deleted and the IP of the sender will be immediately and permanently banned.
  5. THE INTENTION OF COMMENTS IS: as I have mentioned, I encourage the people who visit and take time to read Redcentaur’s posts to leave comments. These guidelines are intended to make this a safe environment for all those interested in participating in the blog. Please be considerate to time spent writing a relevant post and to visitors who spend time reading posts and submitting comments by following these simple guidelines.
  6. REGISTRATION: We do not require you to register to leave a comment. However, you are required to leave a name and a valid email address for security reasons. If you leave a comment that clearly does not have a valid name or if the gmail account you leave looks ‘unusual’, it is unlikely that your comment will be published. At our discretion, we may try the email address and if we get bounced or go unanswered, the comment will be deleted (similarly, if you have registered and never contribute but have an ‘unusual’ email address, you are likely to be removed). If you choose to register on the site, please make sure you are an active contributor to the discussion and that you do so with a meaningful username and email address, otherwise you could be considered to be a spammer or a hacker….
  7. PARTICIPATE: With these thoughts in mind, please enjoy the discussion and please participate in a valuable debate on this site.