
  • Welcome to the new look

    All good web sites must move with the times. They must generate great content, and update the server and codebase to improve security, speed and experience.

  • How to replace fonts using CSS3 font-face

    @font-face has been available for a while but with CSS3 used more widely, it is finally being recognised as a viable method of font-replacement. In previous how-to guides, we have considered SWIFr and Cufon for font replacement. These methods rely on Flash and JavaScript respectively to substitute a web-safe font with a rendered font image.…

  • 5 tips for better web site construction

    This is the third stage of the 5 Stages of Project Management series and is about the construction of the web site. Assuming the other stages have been followed to reach this point, by now you will have an effective design brief outlining your client’s expectations and a design that has been agreed by your…

  • 10 tips to write better content

    Writing for the web is similar to writing for print but requires even more concentration! Here are 10 tips to improve your web content and encourage visitors to stay on your site and to come back for more. Site visitors tend to have shorter concentration spans than print readers. They can drift from one website…

  • 6 ways a small business can beat the recession

    We are in the middle of a recession, so why is it a good time for small businesses to sort out their web presence at such a bad time? Surely, it would be better to wait for the recession to be over and then to start investing again. In this post, I have outlined 6…

  • How to make accessible tables in HTML

    The use of tables as the bedrock of page layout in HTML is well and truly over, having been usurped by divs. This is a good thing because it means that tables can get back to concentrating on their real purpose, which is to display complex data in a simple format. But aren’t tables dreadful…

  • The Design Process

    This is the second stage of the 5 Stages of Project Management series for web design projects. So far, we have taken an overview of the 5 stages as a whole and looked at how to write a successful design brief as part of the Inception stage. We are now ready to look at Stage…

  • How to quadruple your blog readership overnight

    This post is about how to dramatically increase the readership on your blog overnight and is based on my recent experience with Redcentaur Blog. It involves some Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), some good timing and, let’s be honest, a huge dollop of luck. Writing successful posts… To set the scene, I need to tell you…

  • 7 reasons to use WordPress for a small business website

    Which Content Management System (CMS) to use for small businesses that wants to update their website content? There are many options available for a small business and these may seem bewildering. In this post, I will give 7 reasons why WordPress is one of the best tools to support your small business website. Self-hosting With…

  • Upgrading to WordPress 2.8 – Don’t panic!

    Yesterday I upgraded my WordPress 2.7.1 version to WordPress 2.8. I approached this with some considerable trepidation because I remember how easy it was a few weeks ago to install the blog for the first time. In my experience, anything that is easy to install is hard to upgrade! So, I took a cautious approach…